
Tricia Crimmins

Tricia Crimmins is the IRL staff writer at the Daily Dot. She is also a New York-based comedian and an adjunct professor at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. Previously, she has written for Mashable, Complex Networks, and Moment magazine. She can be found on Twitter at @TriciaCrimmins.

gayyyy meme

Is the ‘gayyyy’ meme homophobic? Everything you need to know

Ken Jeong's line became an internet favorite.

On Nov 14, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

ABC digital ad

Fake ABC News Pro-Israel ad stomps out ‘Stand with Ukraine’ banner (updated)

'Even Ukraine ads got Israeled.'

On Nov 14, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

woman asked to prove her wayfair purchase doesn't work

Woman says Wayfair asked her to prove that her purchase was dysfunctional

'Taking this idiotic video to send to Wayfair.'

On Nov 13, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Why the watermelon emoji is a symbol of Palestinian resistance

Why TikTokers use the watermelon emoji to talk about Palestinian resistance

The connection goes deeper than colors.

On Nov 13, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Man buys strange costume from Spirit Halloween

‘This looks like something Adam Sandler would wear’: Man buys ‘hippe shirt’ from Spirit Halloween. It looks like a West African dashiki

'Playing a single dad on vacation in a romcom.'

On Nov 2, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

person on stool (l&r) man in bed (c)

TikTok’s ‘Soft White Underbelly’ is being called ‘exploitative’

The account was called 'one of the most problematic channels on the internet.'

On Nov 1, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Who is LakotaMan? X Logo on phone; Lakotaman; Pine Ridge

Who is LakotaMan, the user behind one of the most popular Native American accounts on X?

John Martin is adored by white X users—but infamous among Native and Indigenous communities.

On Oct 31, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

woman spends four hundred at Trader Joes

‘When I go, I really like to make it worth it’: Woman spends over $400 at Trader Joe’s

'The scarcity makes me want it more.'

On Oct 26, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Woman talking to camera with sunglasses on(l+r), Woman greenscreened in front of an image of herself taking a selfie in a mirror(c)

‘You make nothing that looks like this’: Woman says after posting a dupe, a brand got her video removed for trademark infringement

"This is lowkey scary that they can do this."

On Oct 25, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Dizzying subway train(l), tired commuters(c), Office(r)

‘Literally everyone is dissociated’: Train of exhausted commuters sparks debate over working in office

"Does anybody here look like they'll be productive once they get to the office?"

On Oct 25, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

young man in window (l) young man making air quotes with caption 'cringe content' (c) young woman screaming (r)

TikTok trolls are using “cringe” to cover up their transphobia

Examine the types of people you consider cringe.

On Oct 25, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Homepage article image

Kids are attending pro-Palestine protests within Roblox

'Doing more for Palestine than politicians.'

On Oct 24, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Woman talking to camera(l), Robert Moses(c), Same woman different day(r)

‘I am ecstatic’: Racist architecture removed after NYC TikToker calls it out

"Given Moses' feelings about Black people, I'm going to need a lot of convincing that this wasn't done with disrespect."

On Oct 24, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

man in chair with caption '200 pounds overweight' (l) woman on couch (c) man in chair with caption 'i looked at here and i said' (r)

‘Good luck to those kids’: TikToker gets backlash for fat-shaming kids’ teacher

"Basing your judgment of your child's teacher solely based on their appearance... Good luck to those kids."

On Oct 23, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

worker speaking with caption 'I've been assigned way too much work' (l) worker with caption 'Quiet Firing (how companies fire now)' (c) worker speaking with caption 'but our next step is to put you on something called a performance plan' (r)

‘You never hear it coming’: Man describes ‘quiet firing’

"They’re trying to make like getting fired was your idea."

On Oct 19, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins