
Parks Kugle

Parks Kugle is a writer and reporter based in San Antonio. His work has appeared in Lumina Literary Journal, Wicked Local Newspapers, and various publications across the U.S. He enjoys comics and gardening.

Walmart shopper finds boxes of Velveeta for 50 cents.

‘A sensory nightmare for me’: Walmart shopper finds boxes of Velveeta for 50 cents. Viewers say Kraft is better

'That's still too much for Velveeta. No thanks.'

On Oct 27, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Woman talking(l+r), Woman holding newborn(c)

‘You never get to hear this side’: Viewers defend mom who says she hates parenthood

'I also feel like I wasn’t meant to be a mom.'

On Oct 25, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Woman talking with filter on(l), Sandwich(c), Woman talking without filter(r)

‘Store policy doesn’t apply to me’: Barista says customer asked for refund and remake of her sandwich. She ate it the day before

‘I open up [the bag] and there’s a piece of crust and a dirty used napkin inside.’

On Oct 25, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Woman talking to the camera(l), Hooters storefront(c), Aerial google maps of Hooters(r)

‘I gotta be honest I’d be mad’: Wife checks husband’s location while he’s on a work trip. He’s at Hooters

‘Heard they have good wings.’

On Oct 24, 2023 by Parks Kugle

restaurant with inset of a young woman in a car with caption 'when i was 10 mins into doing my rounds in the restaurant and realized the people i was supposed to be seating were STILL following me bc I forgot abt them'

‘How did they not say anything’: Server forgets to seat customers, so they follow her around restaurant for 10 minutes

‘You just got a taste of the power you can hold over people.’

On Oct 24, 2023 by Parks Kugle

checkout lane with caption 'why do people take things out of the basket at checkout?'

‘Because people have manners and it makes it easier for staff’: Shopper refuses to take items out of basket at checkout, questions why other customers do

‘You literally filmed the cashier struggling smh.’

On Oct 23, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Martin Scorsese speaking (l) dog on couch (c) Martin Scorsese (r)

‘Francesca Scorsese has done so much for the cinephile community’: Fans rejoice over Martin Scorsese’s daughter bringing the director to social media

'That’s called range baby.'

On Oct 20, 2023 by Parks Kugle

drops splattering on fabric (l) hand silhouette holding phone with Airbnb app open in front of Airbnb background (r)

‘It’s been over 6 months’: Airbnb host says guest flooded toilet, caused $300,000 of damages. Now she’s unhoused while pregnant—and Airbnb is no help.

'I woke up to a nightmare: a literal sh*tstorm in my own house.'

On Oct 20, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Airbnb guest greenscreen TikTok over image of interior with caption 'if it was mold' (l) Airbnb app open on phone in hand (c) Airbnb guest speaking with caption 'she's refusing to refund me' (r)

‘I’ve called Airbnb 8 times’: Airbnb customer says company won’t refund her after she spent $250 on ‘unsafe’ and ‘dirty’ rental

‘I felt like I was in a prison cave.’

On Oct 20, 2023 by Parks Kugle

teacher speaking (l) classroom (c) teacher speaking (r)

‘Today’s my last day’: Teacher quits on his first day because kids are ‘mean’

'I left teaching last year and I don’t regret it AT ALL!'

On Oct 19, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Woman talking to camera(three split)

‘I don’t think I’ve ever had a paycheck that’s actually correct’: Nurse says hospital is trying get back $8,288 in overpaid wages

'I need to not lose my job from this paycheck.'

On Oct 18, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Woman with boxes from McDonalds(l), McDonald's Drive Thru Arches(c), Woman putting chicken nuggets in plastic bag from box(r)

‘When I was a kid I ate what mom made or didn’t eat at all’: Viewers criticize parent who orders 80 Chicken McNuggets to meal-prep for her son

'Do whatever works for you and YOUR family.'

On Oct 18, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Woman talking to camera(l+r), I voted today stickers(c)

‘Who signed me up for this?’: Woman says she accidentally registered as a Republican voter. She’s a Democrat.

‘This is where I become the dumbest b*tch in the state of New Jersey.’

On Oct 17, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Woman with baby speaking to camera (three split)

‘I just don’t know how people are affording to live right now’: New Yorker says she’s raising baby in $3,850 a month one bedroom rental, can’t afford to relocate

'We ended up in a townhome cause we kept getting outbid.'

On Oct 17, 2023 by Parks Kugle

Worker hides in store after charging customer $1,453 instead of $14.53 for a coffee

Worker hides in store after charging customer $1,453 instead of $14.53 for a coffee

‘I’ve done this before.’

On Oct 16, 2023 by Parks Kugle