in the workplace - The Daily Dot The Daily Dot | Your Internet. Your Internet news. Wed, 22 Nov 2023 17:41:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ‘That was an insult’: Worker says ‘billion-dollar company’ usually gifts them a turkey for Thanksgiving. Here’s what she got this year Wed, 22 Nov 2023 21:30:00 +0000 Thanksgiving foods with caption "When the company you work for tells you they don't appreciate their employees even though they make billions a year" (l) turkeys blurred with question mark (c) Thanksgiving foods with caption "When the company you work for tells you they don't appreciate their employees even though they make billions a year" (r)

A Thanksgiving employee appreciation basket has become the topic of a hot debate on TikTok. The gift was documented in a now-viral clip uploaded to the popular social media platform by a user who goes by Tray (@trayc01).

In her video, she is sure to not specifically name the company she works for or show any branding that would expose its identity. However, Tray had no qualms about listing all of the products that were part of the gift basket. She also questioned why the company, which is earning billions of dollars a year, decided to stop giving turkeys to its workers.

"When the company you work for tells you they don't appreciate their employees even though they make billions a year," Tray writes in a text overlay of the clip.

In the video, several canned foods, along with a box of macaroni and cheese and a packet of Swiss Miss chocolate are splayed out on a counter.

"I'm probably gonna get in so much trouble for making this TikTok, but I'm gonna hide the logo from where I work. But if you work there you know exactly where this is from. Usually, we get a turkey for Thanksgiving from them, but this year they changed it," Tray says with a laugh, referring to the assortment of non-perishable goods before her.

"Cause apparently, I don't know if they're just not making enough money, which I'm saying that very sarcastically because they're making plenty, but this is what they gave us instead of a turkey."

Tray goes on to rattle off what her company thought a good Thanksgiving day "Thank You" would be: "They gave us a box of macaroni and cheese. Two envelopes of hot chocolate. Two Rolos, a little KitKat, one can of green beans, cause that's gonna feed a family, a can of cranberry. One can of corn, one can of cream of chicken, a box of Stove Top, and then instead of a turkey this year, this," she says, tapping a decorated box on top of the counter, but she's sure to not show too much of its branding, which would give away who her employer is.

"It's a bundt cake, a bundt cake okay. A frozen bundt cake. So, that is what they decided to give us instead of a turkey this year for our family," she says at the end of the video before it ultimately closes out.

Viewers who saw the clip had several different takes on Tray's commentary, however, there seemed to be a clear divide between those who thought that her company was being stingy versus those who said she should be grateful for anything she was given.

"Most employers don’t give anything for Thanksgiving. Count your blessings Sis! It is thanksgiving," one person said.

Another TikTok user remarked, "I've never got a Thanksgiving gift from any employer for over 30yrs."

However, there were a ton of folks who said that they thought the gift was "insulting" or that they "would rather get nothing," than the assortment Tray displayed in her clip.

One TikToker said that those who were espousing the idea that Tray should've been thankful for the holiday gift package were not grasping why she was so miffed about it: "People missing the point. If you are paid adequately, you don’t need “gifts”. The turkey was instead of money, and now it’s Mac and cheese instead."

This was a sentiment echoed by another user who also called out the gratitude gang: "The comment section is concerning, I'm glad everyone is ok with this hamster wheel, 'be greatful' seriously people?"

Another viewer thought the gift package was so bad they quipped that Tray could've simply headed over to a food bank. "They could have just given you the number to a food bank fr," they wrote.


I have no words 💀😂

♬ original sound - Tray

Since 2021, inflation has spiked considerably in the United States, jacking up the overall cost of living for Americans, including grocery store and supermarket prices. Saving a family from having to purchase a large turkey during the holidays could make a major difference in their holiday planning.

According to BetterUp, one of the top ten reasons most employees leave their jobs is because they believe they're being disrespected at work. And Tray, while working for an alleged billion-dollar corporation, certainly feels like she was slapped in the face with the medley of dry goods handed over to her.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Tray via email for further comment.

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The post ‘That was an insult’: Worker says ‘billion-dollar company’ usually gifts them a turkey for Thanksgiving. Here’s what she got this year appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Thanksgiving foods with caption "When the company you work for tells you they don't appreciate their employees even though they make billions a year" (l) turkeys blurred with question mark (c) Thanksgiving foods with caption "When the company you work for tells you they don't appreciate their employees even though they make billions a year" (r)

A Thanksgiving employee appreciation basket has become the topic of a hot debate on TikTok. The gift was documented in a now-viral clip uploaded to the popular social media platform by a user who goes by Tray (@trayc01).

In her video, she is sure to not specifically name the company she works for or show any branding that would expose its identity. However, Tray had no qualms about listing all of the products that were part of the gift basket. She also questioned why the company, which is earning billions of dollars a year, decided to stop giving turkeys to its workers.

"When the company you work for tells you they don't appreciate their employees even though they make billions a year," Tray writes in a text overlay of the clip.

In the video, several canned foods, along with a box of macaroni and cheese and a packet of Swiss Miss chocolate are splayed out on a counter.

"I'm probably gonna get in so much trouble for making this TikTok, but I'm gonna hide the logo from where I work. But if you work there you know exactly where this is from. Usually, we get a turkey for Thanksgiving from them, but this year they changed it," Tray says with a laugh, referring to the assortment of non-perishable goods before her.

"Cause apparently, I don't know if they're just not making enough money, which I'm saying that very sarcastically because they're making plenty, but this is what they gave us instead of a turkey."

Tray goes on to rattle off what her company thought a good Thanksgiving day "Thank You" would be: "They gave us a box of macaroni and cheese. Two envelopes of hot chocolate. Two Rolos, a little KitKat, one can of green beans, cause that's gonna feed a family, a can of cranberry. One can of corn, one can of cream of chicken, a box of Stove Top, and then instead of a turkey this year, this," she says, tapping a decorated box on top of the counter, but she's sure to not show too much of its branding, which would give away who her employer is.

"It's a bundt cake, a bundt cake okay. A frozen bundt cake. So, that is what they decided to give us instead of a turkey this year for our family," she says at the end of the video before it ultimately closes out.

Viewers who saw the clip had several different takes on Tray's commentary, however, there seemed to be a clear divide between those who thought that her company was being stingy versus those who said she should be grateful for anything she was given.

"Most employers don’t give anything for Thanksgiving. Count your blessings Sis! It is thanksgiving," one person said.

Another TikTok user remarked, "I've never got a Thanksgiving gift from any employer for over 30yrs."

However, there were a ton of folks who said that they thought the gift was "insulting" or that they "would rather get nothing," than the assortment Tray displayed in her clip.

One TikToker said that those who were espousing the idea that Tray should've been thankful for the holiday gift package were not grasping why she was so miffed about it: "People missing the point. If you are paid adequately, you don’t need “gifts”. The turkey was instead of money, and now it’s Mac and cheese instead."

This was a sentiment echoed by another user who also called out the gratitude gang: "The comment section is concerning, I'm glad everyone is ok with this hamster wheel, 'be greatful' seriously people?"

Another viewer thought the gift package was so bad they quipped that Tray could've simply headed over to a food bank. "They could have just given you the number to a food bank fr," they wrote.


I have no words 💀😂

♬ original sound - Tray

Since 2021, inflation has spiked considerably in the United States, jacking up the overall cost of living for Americans, including grocery store and supermarket prices. Saving a family from having to purchase a large turkey during the holidays could make a major difference in their holiday planning.

According to BetterUp, one of the top ten reasons most employees leave their jobs is because they believe they're being disrespected at work. And Tray, while working for an alleged billion-dollar corporation, certainly feels like she was slapped in the face with the medley of dry goods handed over to her.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Tray via email for further comment.

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The post ‘That was an insult’: Worker says ‘billion-dollar company’ usually gifts them a turkey for Thanksgiving. Here’s what she got this year appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘I had a problem to solve and work in an open office environment’: Office employee sent home for sleeping. They were trying to think through a problem Thu, 19 Oct 2023 13:18:53 +0000 Exhausted businessman focusing on solution of problems sitting at office desk eyes closed.

An office worker posted about a work conflict on Reddit, likely hoping for some understanding from the online community and advice. Instead, commenters were divided about the legitimacy of their complaint and whether the poster was the actual problem in the situation.

In the post on the anti-work Reddit thread, a user said that they work in an open-concept office, so for the most part, everyone can see what the other is doing.

That day, they were trying to think through a difficult problem, so they leaned back in their office chair and closed their eyes for deep thinking.

A co-worker noticed them and threw an object in their direction. But OP didn't react to the shenanigans.

But, because OP didn't react in any way, the co-worker thought they were sleeping on the job and reported OP to their boss.

"If I was sleeping she would have most likely triggered a PTSD episode (I was once almost killed in an attempted murder x3 via handgun at a previous job)," OP wrote.

About 20 minutes later, the company's operations manager told the poster they needed to go home for sleeping at work.

"I'm now afraid I may lose my job because I was simply leaning back in my fucking chair," OP wrote.

Articles from several law firms confirm that sleeping at work is a fireable offense.

Here's where commenters say it gets tricky. OP prefaced the situation by admitting that they were, in fact, "a little tired" that morning but drank three cups of coffee and were "fine."

They also said they're on several medications that could make them drowsy, "but im able to fight it off pretty well."

The original post has over 1,800 upvotes and over 180 comments as of Thursday morning.

Some people were surprised OP agreed to leave work when they were the one who was being bothered by a co-worker throwing an object at them.

OP replied, sharing that they think they would have made the situation worse by staying and also said it was a generally embarrassing situation since they were asked to leave in front of other co-workers.

Other commenters said they didn't buy the story.

"Based on all that I’m betting this isn’t the first time OP has been caught sleeping, whether real or perceived, and that this incident was the latest in a pattern of behavior," a commenter wrote.

"Also loses credibility because if I was focusing on a problem, my story would revolve around my state of mind when I was trying to focus and perhaps the nature of the complex issue; not how tired i am while also somehow being wide awake," another said.

The Daily Dot reached out to OP for comment via Reddit chat.

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The post ‘I had a problem to solve and work in an open office environment’: Office employee sent home for sleeping. They were trying to think through a problem appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Exhausted businessman focusing on solution of problems sitting at office desk eyes closed.

An office worker posted about a work conflict on Reddit, likely hoping for some understanding from the online community and advice. Instead, commenters were divided about the legitimacy of their complaint and whether the poster was the actual problem in the situation.

In the post on the anti-work Reddit thread, a user said that they work in an open-concept office, so for the most part, everyone can see what the other is doing.

That day, they were trying to think through a difficult problem, so they leaned back in their office chair and closed their eyes for deep thinking.

A co-worker noticed them and threw an object in their direction. But OP didn't react to the shenanigans.

But, because OP didn't react in any way, the co-worker thought they were sleeping on the job and reported OP to their boss.

"If I was sleeping she would have most likely triggered a PTSD episode (I was once almost killed in an attempted murder x3 via handgun at a previous job)," OP wrote.

About 20 minutes later, the company's operations manager told the poster they needed to go home for sleeping at work.

"I'm now afraid I may lose my job because I was simply leaning back in my fucking chair," OP wrote.

Articles from several law firms confirm that sleeping at work is a fireable offense.

Here's where commenters say it gets tricky. OP prefaced the situation by admitting that they were, in fact, "a little tired" that morning but drank three cups of coffee and were "fine."

They also said they're on several medications that could make them drowsy, "but im able to fight it off pretty well."

The original post has over 1,800 upvotes and over 180 comments as of Thursday morning.

Some people were surprised OP agreed to leave work when they were the one who was being bothered by a co-worker throwing an object at them.

OP replied, sharing that they think they would have made the situation worse by staying and also said it was a generally embarrassing situation since they were asked to leave in front of other co-workers.

Other commenters said they didn't buy the story.

"Based on all that I’m betting this isn’t the first time OP has been caught sleeping, whether real or perceived, and that this incident was the latest in a pattern of behavior," a commenter wrote.

"Also loses credibility because if I was focusing on a problem, my story would revolve around my state of mind when I was trying to focus and perhaps the nature of the complex issue; not how tired i am while also somehow being wide awake," another said.

The Daily Dot reached out to OP for comment via Reddit chat.

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The post ‘I had a problem to solve and work in an open office environment’: Office employee sent home for sleeping. They were trying to think through a problem appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘I manage an office that no one works at’: Employee says he has to work at the office. Everyone else gets to work from home Thu, 21 Sep 2023 18:48:43 +0000 Employee has to work from the office. Everyone else gets to work from home

As the height of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on workplace policies wanes, companies across the world are calling their employees back to the office—or not.

Some employers have shifted to hybrid work or work from home altogether, saving on the cost of office space. Others retaining their office space have required employees to return to the workplace in person, with some threatening penalties if they do not.

In certain cases, only a selection of employees who serve in roles supporting the office they work in have been required to come back. One employee says he was required to return to work while all of his co-workers are allowed to work remotely in a viral TikTok video. He even wrote and produced a ditty to go with a video showing himself working alone in an office—despite the fact that he could accomplish all of his work tasks at home.

"I work in a place where everyone else works from home / But I still have to go to the office," the poster, @gmastuff sings. "I could easily complete all my tasks working from home / But instead I'm here and I'm wasting company resources."

The video has drawn over 619,000 views on TikTok, where the poster captioned his video with an appeal asking not to be fired over it.

"Disclaimer this a joke please dont fire me for this i have so much student loan debt," the caption reads.

The Daily Dot has reached out to @gmastuff via Instagram direct message regarding the video.


disclaimer this a joke please dont fire me for this i have so much student loan debt🫶

♬ Kids, cute, pets, energetic background music(1101939) - nyansuke

Several viewers suggested he was only asked to return to the office so his employer could justify maintaining the office space. Others shared that they were similarly required to work in an office despite being alone.

"Actually it's so the company can say they have staff at the office and justify keeping it," one commenter wrote.

"I'm dying to know how much they spend on keeping the building maintained just for YOU," another questioned.

"I’m also 'essential onsite personnel,'" a further user commented. "I manage an office that no one works at."

Some viewers shared that their employers had opted for hybrid work policies, or that many of their co-workers remain working from home on a more permanent basis.

"I work in a place where we are supposed to go in 2 days a week," one commented. "Feel like I’m the only one scared enough to go in 2 days."

"We were called back into the office this past month so we can teams all the still remote people," a second wrote. "About 50%."

"I go to a satellite office in Dallas to zoom everyone at the corporate office in San Francisco," a third viewer shared.

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The post ‘I manage an office that no one works at’: Employee says he has to work at the office. Everyone else gets to work from home appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Employee has to work from the office. Everyone else gets to work from home

As the height of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on workplace policies wanes, companies across the world are calling their employees back to the office—or not.

Some employers have shifted to hybrid work or work from home altogether, saving on the cost of office space. Others retaining their office space have required employees to return to the workplace in person, with some threatening penalties if they do not.

In certain cases, only a selection of employees who serve in roles supporting the office they work in have been required to come back. One employee says he was required to return to work while all of his co-workers are allowed to work remotely in a viral TikTok video. He even wrote and produced a ditty to go with a video showing himself working alone in an office—despite the fact that he could accomplish all of his work tasks at home.

"I work in a place where everyone else works from home / But I still have to go to the office," the poster, @gmastuff sings. "I could easily complete all my tasks working from home / But instead I'm here and I'm wasting company resources."

The video has drawn over 619,000 views on TikTok, where the poster captioned his video with an appeal asking not to be fired over it.

"Disclaimer this a joke please dont fire me for this i have so much student loan debt," the caption reads.

The Daily Dot has reached out to @gmastuff via Instagram direct message regarding the video.


disclaimer this a joke please dont fire me for this i have so much student loan debt🫶

♬ Kids, cute, pets, energetic background music(1101939) - nyansuke

Several viewers suggested he was only asked to return to the office so his employer could justify maintaining the office space. Others shared that they were similarly required to work in an office despite being alone.

"Actually it's so the company can say they have staff at the office and justify keeping it," one commenter wrote.

"I'm dying to know how much they spend on keeping the building maintained just for YOU," another questioned.

"I’m also 'essential onsite personnel,'" a further user commented. "I manage an office that no one works at."

Some viewers shared that their employers had opted for hybrid work policies, or that many of their co-workers remain working from home on a more permanent basis.

"I work in a place where we are supposed to go in 2 days a week," one commented. "Feel like I’m the only one scared enough to go in 2 days."

"We were called back into the office this past month so we can teams all the still remote people," a second wrote. "About 50%."

"I go to a satellite office in Dallas to zoom everyone at the corporate office in San Francisco," a third viewer shared.

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The post ‘I manage an office that no one works at’: Employee says he has to work at the office. Everyone else gets to work from home appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘My lack of eye contact these days is brutal’: Man issues PSA to remote workers who have minimal social interaction Thu, 07 Sep 2023 21:31:38 +0000 Man issues PSA to remote workers who have minimal social content

An in-person front desk worker issued a PSA to remote workers in a viral video, telling them to have at least one conversation before they enter a public place so they can extinguish any nervous energy.

In a TikTok posted on Wednesday, Alec Flynn shares that he works at the front desk of a climbing gym. He says people who work remotely "need to have at least like one more conversation or interaction before you come to a public place."

"Because you're coming at [hospitality and retail workers] with just the most insane energy," Flynn says in his video. "You either are complete cat mode or you're golden retriever energy. There's no in-between."

Flynn does an impression of both energies: "Cat mode" is when someone is overly timid and awkward, and golden retriever energy is when a customer is overeager.

On Thursday, Flynn's video had almost 900,000 views on TikTok.


♬ original sound - Big Al's Toybarn

As reported by Forbes this year, approximately 13% of people work completely remotely, and 28% work a hybrid model.

While many are familiar with remote workers' benefits, some say that it has been a detriment to their well-being: The BBC reported that remote work can lead to feelings of loneliness and mental health crises, due to increased screen time and less social interaction.

Commenters on Flynn's video acknowledged that they have strange energy when talking to someone for the first time after working alone at home all day.

"I’m painfully aware I’m cat mode," one commenter wrote. "I fear we’re too far gone."

"My lack of eye contact these days is brutal," another admitted.

One person defended being weird to service workers.

"No, no. You ARE my 'one other interaction,'" the person wrote. "Before I have to go [talk to] people with people who know me."

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The post ‘My lack of eye contact these days is brutal’: Man issues PSA to remote workers who have minimal social interaction appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Man issues PSA to remote workers who have minimal social content

An in-person front desk worker issued a PSA to remote workers in a viral video, telling them to have at least one conversation before they enter a public place so they can extinguish any nervous energy.

In a TikTok posted on Wednesday, Alec Flynn shares that he works at the front desk of a climbing gym. He says people who work remotely "need to have at least like one more conversation or interaction before you come to a public place."

"Because you're coming at [hospitality and retail workers] with just the most insane energy," Flynn says in his video. "You either are complete cat mode or you're golden retriever energy. There's no in-between."

Flynn does an impression of both energies: "Cat mode" is when someone is overly timid and awkward, and golden retriever energy is when a customer is overeager.

On Thursday, Flynn's video had almost 900,000 views on TikTok.


♬ original sound - Big Al's Toybarn

As reported by Forbes this year, approximately 13% of people work completely remotely, and 28% work a hybrid model.

While many are familiar with remote workers' benefits, some say that it has been a detriment to their well-being: The BBC reported that remote work can lead to feelings of loneliness and mental health crises, due to increased screen time and less social interaction.

Commenters on Flynn's video acknowledged that they have strange energy when talking to someone for the first time after working alone at home all day.

"I’m painfully aware I’m cat mode," one commenter wrote. "I fear we’re too far gone."

"My lack of eye contact these days is brutal," another admitted.

One person defended being weird to service workers.

"No, no. You ARE my 'one other interaction,'" the person wrote. "Before I have to go [talk to] people with people who know me."

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The post ‘My lack of eye contact these days is brutal’: Man issues PSA to remote workers who have minimal social interaction appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘I’m just really, really exhausted’: Woman affected by tech layoffs is at risk of being deported Thu, 07 Sep 2023 19:24:25 +0000 woman does a gets ready with me video

A tech worker says that after being laid off, she is at risk of being deported. She has been in the U.S. for 12 years on an H1-B visa.

In a TikTok posted on Aug. 29, Poppy Shen says that she was laid off from her tech job and now has 60 days to find a new job that will sponsor her through her visa.

The H1-B visa program allows employers to hire nonimmigrant foreign nationals by sponsoring their visa, enabling the foreign individual to legally live and work in the U.S.

Shen says has lived in the U.S. for 12 years: She attended high school and college in the country, and her "entire life is here." Though she has a job offer from another company, Shen says her potential employer is working to figure out if they can sponsor her visa. She is also working with an immigration attorney.

"It's basically impossible to find a job that would sponsor me in my industry right now with this job market," Shen says. "The majority of time I spent [in the U.S.], I lived with a severe anxiety around the uncertainty of my immigration status."

Large tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft and smaller shops like Spotify, GrubHub, and Shopify all experienced layoffs this year. While Shen considers herself a casualty of "big tech layoffs," she actually works in journalism.

Shen goes on to say that her life has depended and continues to depend on her visa and that she hasn't left the country in three years in order to not jeopardize her status. The stress of working hard to prove to her employers that she is worth sponsoring has gotten to Shen, as well.

"I'm just really, really exhausted because I felt like I always had to work my butt off to prove that I'm as good as other people," Shen says. "And that I deserve a place here."

On Thursday, Shen's video had over 450,000 views on TikTok.

@popshen02 #grwm #deported #h1bvisa #layoff #techlayoffs #visastruggle #visa #immigrants #internationalstudents #lifeabroad ♬ original sound - poppyseeds

In follow-up TikToks, Shen explains that she came to the U.S. at 15 to attend high school on an F-1 student visa through her school, transitioned to another F-1 visa for college, worked on an O-1 visa, and finally obtained an H1-B visa, which she had been on for two years until she was laid off.

Her former employer also helped her start her green card process after working with them for four years—but after losing her job, she is no longer in the running for a green card.

"It's extremely hard to get a green card here," Shen says in a TikTok. "It takes forever."

While the fastest way to get a green card is by marrying a U.S. citizen, Shen says that she is unable to do that because her boyfriend is also on a visa in the U.S. from Germany—though a co-worker of hers offered to marry her to help her get citizenship.

"I said no," Shen says. "Now I'm really regretting it."

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The post ‘I’m just really, really exhausted’: Woman affected by tech layoffs is at risk of being deported appeared first on The Daily Dot.

woman does a gets ready with me video

A tech worker says that after being laid off, she is at risk of being deported. She has been in the U.S. for 12 years on an H1-B visa.

In a TikTok posted on Aug. 29, Poppy Shen says that she was laid off from her tech job and now has 60 days to find a new job that will sponsor her through her visa.

The H1-B visa program allows employers to hire nonimmigrant foreign nationals by sponsoring their visa, enabling the foreign individual to legally live and work in the U.S.

Shen says has lived in the U.S. for 12 years: She attended high school and college in the country, and her "entire life is here." Though she has a job offer from another company, Shen says her potential employer is working to figure out if they can sponsor her visa. She is also working with an immigration attorney.

"It's basically impossible to find a job that would sponsor me in my industry right now with this job market," Shen says. "The majority of time I spent [in the U.S.], I lived with a severe anxiety around the uncertainty of my immigration status."

Large tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft and smaller shops like Spotify, GrubHub, and Shopify all experienced layoffs this year. While Shen considers herself a casualty of "big tech layoffs," she actually works in journalism.

Shen goes on to say that her life has depended and continues to depend on her visa and that she hasn't left the country in three years in order to not jeopardize her status. The stress of working hard to prove to her employers that she is worth sponsoring has gotten to Shen, as well.

"I'm just really, really exhausted because I felt like I always had to work my butt off to prove that I'm as good as other people," Shen says. "And that I deserve a place here."

On Thursday, Shen's video had over 450,000 views on TikTok.

@popshen02 #grwm #deported #h1bvisa #layoff #techlayoffs #visastruggle #visa #immigrants #internationalstudents #lifeabroad ♬ original sound - poppyseeds

In follow-up TikToks, Shen explains that she came to the U.S. at 15 to attend high school on an F-1 student visa through her school, transitioned to another F-1 visa for college, worked on an O-1 visa, and finally obtained an H1-B visa, which she had been on for two years until she was laid off.

Her former employer also helped her start her green card process after working with them for four years—but after losing her job, she is no longer in the running for a green card.

"It's extremely hard to get a green card here," Shen says in a TikTok. "It takes forever."

While the fastest way to get a green card is by marrying a U.S. citizen, Shen says that she is unable to do that because her boyfriend is also on a visa in the U.S. from Germany—though a co-worker of hers offered to marry her to help her get citizenship.

"I said no," Shen says. "Now I'm really regretting it."

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The post ‘I’m just really, really exhausted’: Woman affected by tech layoffs is at risk of being deported appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘Absolutely shameful’: Company blasted with negative reviews after firing man who requested time off to grieve mom Mon, 04 Sep 2023 21:10:16 +0000 Company blasted with negative reviews after firing man who asked for leave because his mother died

An interior design company is facing a whirlwind of social media shame after allegedly firing a man who asked for extra time off after his mother died. 

The claims come after a now-deleted post went viral last week on both Reddit and X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, documenting the firing.

The anonymous user wrote that he's a former employee of Koroseal, a commercial interior products company, and was given three bereavement days after his mother died.  

“[I] basically got on a flight Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, funeral Friday, flight back yesterday,” the user wrote.

The former employee explained that after returning he work, he didn’t have enough time to grieve as “it’s all been a blur” and asked a human resources worker at Koroseal if he could have the rest of the week to process the death and handle his mother’s estate. 

Koroseal did not respond to the Daily Dot’s requests for comment via email or Instagram direct message.

The user wrote that human resources “said they’ve been gracious enough by offering me bereavement and basically fired me over email telling me they’ll mail my final check.” 

Since posting his story on Reddit, hundreds swarmed to Koroseal’s social media channels in his support, leading the company to turn off comments and turn its channels private over the weekend. 

“Ooooh can’t handle the heat!” one X user wrote after sharing a screenshot of the company’s private X account. 

After @fuckyouiquit, a popular X account dedicated to highlighting issues in the workplace, also shared the Reddit post, it garnered even more attention, circulating over 1.9 million views and waves of support for the alleged former Koroseal employee. 

“Apparently you are not allowed to have human emotions if you work @koroseal,” one user wrote after resharing the post.

“@koroseal absolutely shameful. No should work for them,” another commented.

In the Reddit user's original post, he also shared that the company asked him to remove the post after the public outrage. Although the original post has been deleted, users in threads and comments on Reddit have shared their own struggles with bereavement and criticisms of the workforce.

“I lost my mom 4 years ago and my work only gave me 2 bereavement days. My grandmother (who also lived with me and my family) died 2 months later and I had 'used up' all the bereavement days for the year,” a Reddit user shared. 

“Nah, everyone higher up in the company would be given plenty of time off to grieve," one Reddit user wrote about Koroseal. "That's capitalism."

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The post ‘Absolutely shameful’: Company blasted with negative reviews after firing man who requested time off to grieve mom appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Company blasted with negative reviews after firing man who asked for leave because his mother died

An interior design company is facing a whirlwind of social media shame after allegedly firing a man who asked for extra time off after his mother died. 

The claims come after a now-deleted post went viral last week on both Reddit and X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, documenting the firing.

The anonymous user wrote that he's a former employee of Koroseal, a commercial interior products company, and was given three bereavement days after his mother died.  

“[I] basically got on a flight Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, funeral Friday, flight back yesterday,” the user wrote.

The former employee explained that after returning he work, he didn’t have enough time to grieve as “it’s all been a blur” and asked a human resources worker at Koroseal if he could have the rest of the week to process the death and handle his mother’s estate. 

Koroseal did not respond to the Daily Dot’s requests for comment via email or Instagram direct message.

The user wrote that human resources “said they’ve been gracious enough by offering me bereavement and basically fired me over email telling me they’ll mail my final check.” 

Since posting his story on Reddit, hundreds swarmed to Koroseal’s social media channels in his support, leading the company to turn off comments and turn its channels private over the weekend. 

“Ooooh can’t handle the heat!” one X user wrote after sharing a screenshot of the company’s private X account. 

After @fuckyouiquit, a popular X account dedicated to highlighting issues in the workplace, also shared the Reddit post, it garnered even more attention, circulating over 1.9 million views and waves of support for the alleged former Koroseal employee. 

“Apparently you are not allowed to have human emotions if you work @koroseal,” one user wrote after resharing the post.

“@koroseal absolutely shameful. No should work for them,” another commented.

In the Reddit user's original post, he also shared that the company asked him to remove the post after the public outrage. Although the original post has been deleted, users in threads and comments on Reddit have shared their own struggles with bereavement and criticisms of the workforce.

“I lost my mom 4 years ago and my work only gave me 2 bereavement days. My grandmother (who also lived with me and my family) died 2 months later and I had 'used up' all the bereavement days for the year,” a Reddit user shared. 

“Nah, everyone higher up in the company would be given plenty of time off to grieve," one Reddit user wrote about Koroseal. "That's capitalism."

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The post ‘Absolutely shameful’: Company blasted with negative reviews after firing man who requested time off to grieve mom appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘Literally working overtime’: Woman records herself sleep-talking about work meetings Thu, 31 Aug 2023 21:10:33 +0000 Worker records herself sleep talking about client meetings

When you’re working around the clock, work has a way of seeping into your personal life. For one woman, that includes her sleep.

In a viral TikTok video, TikToker Sabrina Lod (@sabrinalodd) uses the Sleep Recorder app to record herself sleep-talking about client meetings—customer service voice and all.


client service voice and all💀

♬ original sound - Sabrina lod💙

Sleep talking is a type of parasomnia (abnormal behavior take occurs during sleep) that usually lasts for no longer than 30 seconds per episode, according to WebMD. People may sputter nonsense or make offensive or vulgar statements, and it can be caused by medications, mental disorders, and emotional stress.

“You can tell I’ve been working in client service for 10 years from my sleep talking,” the text overlay reads on Lod's video, which had amassed over 462,300 views by Thursday. (The Daily Dot contacted the creator via TikTok comment.)

Lod plays the first sleep-talking episode, which occurred at 1:49am. “So, let me know if you need anything and, yeah, have a great day,” the woman says to no one in particular. 

At 3:39am, the app senses movement as she says, “Oh, hi. OK, have a great day everybody,” as though she’s signing off of a Zoom meeting.

“Thank you,” she politely says in the last voice recording at 3:41am.

Lod’s clip had viewers praising her work dedication. “Put this on your resume girl LOL,” a woman shared.

“This is literally working overtime,” another wrote. “Polite sleepy queen,” a third commented.

Many believe that a raise or bonus is in order for her dedication to her job. “I think you deserve a bonus cause youre sleeping and still on the clock,” this person commented. 

“Call centre trauma is real,” another observed. 

Several commenters shared their own stories of how their work has affected their sleep.

“I’ll never forget my ex waked me up to tell me I asked him if he needed a receipt in my sleep,” a woman shared. 

“I was a cashier and I woke up one night with my dog in my arms like a baby trying to scan his barcode,” another added. 

“My mom woke me up in the middle of the night once and my response was ‘how can I help you?’” a third recalled. 

Some found Lod’s dedication to her work to be alarming and encouraged her to get some sleep.

“Girl get some rest,” this commentor writer. 

“This is so sad ... We’re never free,” another added.

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The post ‘Literally working overtime’: Woman records herself sleep-talking about work meetings appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Worker records herself sleep talking about client meetings

When you’re working around the clock, work has a way of seeping into your personal life. For one woman, that includes her sleep.

In a viral TikTok video, TikToker Sabrina Lod (@sabrinalodd) uses the Sleep Recorder app to record herself sleep-talking about client meetings—customer service voice and all.


client service voice and all💀

♬ original sound - Sabrina lod💙

Sleep talking is a type of parasomnia (abnormal behavior take occurs during sleep) that usually lasts for no longer than 30 seconds per episode, according to WebMD. People may sputter nonsense or make offensive or vulgar statements, and it can be caused by medications, mental disorders, and emotional stress.

“You can tell I’ve been working in client service for 10 years from my sleep talking,” the text overlay reads on Lod's video, which had amassed over 462,300 views by Thursday. (The Daily Dot contacted the creator via TikTok comment.)

Lod plays the first sleep-talking episode, which occurred at 1:49am. “So, let me know if you need anything and, yeah, have a great day,” the woman says to no one in particular. 

At 3:39am, the app senses movement as she says, “Oh, hi. OK, have a great day everybody,” as though she’s signing off of a Zoom meeting.

“Thank you,” she politely says in the last voice recording at 3:41am.

Lod’s clip had viewers praising her work dedication. “Put this on your resume girl LOL,” a woman shared.

“This is literally working overtime,” another wrote. “Polite sleepy queen,” a third commented.

Many believe that a raise or bonus is in order for her dedication to her job. “I think you deserve a bonus cause youre sleeping and still on the clock,” this person commented. 

“Call centre trauma is real,” another observed. 

Several commenters shared their own stories of how their work has affected their sleep.

“I’ll never forget my ex waked me up to tell me I asked him if he needed a receipt in my sleep,” a woman shared. 

“I was a cashier and I woke up one night with my dog in my arms like a baby trying to scan his barcode,” another added. 

“My mom woke me up in the middle of the night once and my response was ‘how can I help you?’” a third recalled. 

Some found Lod’s dedication to her work to be alarming and encouraged her to get some sleep.

“Girl get some rest,” this commentor writer. 

“This is so sad ... We’re never free,” another added.

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The post ‘Literally working overtime’: Woman records herself sleep-talking about work meetings appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘I didn’t see the crop dusting clause in my contract’: Teacher under investigation after saying he ‘crop dusts’ students Thu, 31 Aug 2023 19:17:29 +0000 Teacher under investigation after saying he 'crop dusts' students

Social media has led to consequences for many teachers, including one who allegedly owned a “crunk” Twitter account, one who was outed as a Nazi, and another who was accused of masturbating during a Google Meet call.

Now, a teacher on TikTok said that he’s been put under investigation for joking that he “crop dusts” students when they annoy him. 

Crop dusting is a slang term used to describe intentionally passing gas as you walk in front of a group of people.

In the video, Stephen Taylor (@formerlyfatstephen) explains that he’s been put on administrative leave at the school he works at.

“Today was my first meeting with HR since they’ve started the investigation into my social media actions,” he says. 

@formerlyfatstephen so about last week... #goodteacher #badstudent #teachersoftiktok ♬ original sound - Stephen Taylor

The firm measures were taken after the school board saw his TikTok videos where he jokes about “crop dusting” students who annoy him. In another video, he shares how he knows when students speak in code about drugs to him.

The Daily Dot reached out to Taylor via TikTok comment.

@formerlyfatstephen call me enigma the way im cracking codes #goodteacher #badstudent #teachersoftiktok ♬ original sound - Stephen Taylor

Although his TikTok bio says “comedian,” Taylor's claims in the video were no laughing matter to the school. 

“I had a grown man ask me today, ‘Mister Taylor, how many times do you think you’ve crop dusted a student since you’ve been at this district,’ and I had to say, ‘none,’” Taylor explains.

Taylor found the situation absurd.

“Do you think you would have learned about this from a video and not a student being like, ‘Yo, Mr. Taylor keeps farting on us’?” he says. 

Regardless, Taylor says the controversy has taught him a lot about social media and being careful about what he posts.

“I learned that I should be a little bit more careful about where I post from and I also learned that it should be illegal to print out a transcript from TikTok,” he claims. 

Taylor’s video had been viewed more than 559,300 times by Thursday afternoon. Commenters were surprised that something as insignificant as joking about farting could jeopardize a teacher’s job. 

“Could someone really get in trouble for farting anyway?” a user asked. 

“I would think that crop dusting was protected action in your union contract,” a second joked. 

A third imagined how the conversation before the disciplinary meeting played out. “Imagine the HR pre-meeting. ‘You want me to ask him about WHAT?’” they quipped. 

Many felt bad that Taylor’s jokes were taken seriously enough to impact his job.

“That’s sad because you are funny and obviously it’s all a joke," one commenter wrote.

“Really sad to hear this is the fight the admin is picking when there’s a huge teacher shortage and you’re obviously a great teacher,” another shared. 

One user suggested how Taylor could have handled being penalized.

“You should have crop dusted the meeting with HR and just rolled out,” they wrote. 

Others joked that teachers should be allotted a certain number of crop dusting per year.

“I feel like (as a mom of kids in school) that you should be allowed a certain number of crop dustings,” a woman commented. “It only seems fair, really. They stank.”

“Dude my Mom just retired after 34 years teaching elementary school & she always joked about crop dusting them,” another user shared. 

With more teachers using TikTok as an outlet for job stress, a user shared that educators have to be extremely careful about what they post. 

“You have to be extremely careful as teacher,” they shared. “Some parents that are Karens do not play. Sorry about your job man.”

This isn’t the first time a teacher has been in hot water for their actions on TikTok.

In the past, a teacher was put on leave for posting thirst traps on TikTok. Another was fired for doing a viral TikTok dance with her students.

Since Taylor’s video went viral, he has since posted another one. In it, he shares that he did, in fact, laugh when the school board confronted him about crop dusting students. 

@formerlyfatstephen Replying to @Brittany Tilander how to lose a job in 10 days #goodteacher #badstudent #teachersoftiktok ♬ original sound - Stephen Taylor

​​“It was one of the most surreal experiences I’ve ever had,” he shares. “I didn’t keep a straight face. I laughed at him a few times, which might have hurt me more than it helped me.”

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The post ‘I didn’t see the crop dusting clause in my contract’: Teacher under investigation after saying he ‘crop dusts’ students appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Teacher under investigation after saying he 'crop dusts' students

Social media has led to consequences for many teachers, including one who allegedly owned a “crunk” Twitter account, one who was outed as a Nazi, and another who was accused of masturbating during a Google Meet call.

Now, a teacher on TikTok said that he’s been put under investigation for joking that he “crop dusts” students when they annoy him. 

Crop dusting is a slang term used to describe intentionally passing gas as you walk in front of a group of people.

In the video, Stephen Taylor (@formerlyfatstephen) explains that he’s been put on administrative leave at the school he works at.

“Today was my first meeting with HR since they’ve started the investigation into my social media actions,” he says. 

@formerlyfatstephen so about last week... #goodteacher #badstudent #teachersoftiktok ♬ original sound - Stephen Taylor

The firm measures were taken after the school board saw his TikTok videos where he jokes about “crop dusting” students who annoy him. In another video, he shares how he knows when students speak in code about drugs to him.

The Daily Dot reached out to Taylor via TikTok comment.

@formerlyfatstephen call me enigma the way im cracking codes #goodteacher #badstudent #teachersoftiktok ♬ original sound - Stephen Taylor

Although his TikTok bio says “comedian,” Taylor's claims in the video were no laughing matter to the school. 

“I had a grown man ask me today, ‘Mister Taylor, how many times do you think you’ve crop dusted a student since you’ve been at this district,’ and I had to say, ‘none,’” Taylor explains.

Taylor found the situation absurd.

“Do you think you would have learned about this from a video and not a student being like, ‘Yo, Mr. Taylor keeps farting on us’?” he says. 

Regardless, Taylor says the controversy has taught him a lot about social media and being careful about what he posts.

“I learned that I should be a little bit more careful about where I post from and I also learned that it should be illegal to print out a transcript from TikTok,” he claims. 

Taylor’s video had been viewed more than 559,300 times by Thursday afternoon. Commenters were surprised that something as insignificant as joking about farting could jeopardize a teacher’s job. 

“Could someone really get in trouble for farting anyway?” a user asked. 

“I would think that crop dusting was protected action in your union contract,” a second joked. 

A third imagined how the conversation before the disciplinary meeting played out. “Imagine the HR pre-meeting. ‘You want me to ask him about WHAT?’” they quipped. 

Many felt bad that Taylor’s jokes were taken seriously enough to impact his job.

“That’s sad because you are funny and obviously it’s all a joke," one commenter wrote.

“Really sad to hear this is the fight the admin is picking when there’s a huge teacher shortage and you’re obviously a great teacher,” another shared. 

One user suggested how Taylor could have handled being penalized.

“You should have crop dusted the meeting with HR and just rolled out,” they wrote. 

Others joked that teachers should be allotted a certain number of crop dusting per year.

“I feel like (as a mom of kids in school) that you should be allowed a certain number of crop dustings,” a woman commented. “It only seems fair, really. They stank.”

“Dude my Mom just retired after 34 years teaching elementary school & she always joked about crop dusting them,” another user shared. 

With more teachers using TikTok as an outlet for job stress, a user shared that educators have to be extremely careful about what they post. 

“You have to be extremely careful as teacher,” they shared. “Some parents that are Karens do not play. Sorry about your job man.”

This isn’t the first time a teacher has been in hot water for their actions on TikTok.

In the past, a teacher was put on leave for posting thirst traps on TikTok. Another was fired for doing a viral TikTok dance with her students.

Since Taylor’s video went viral, he has since posted another one. In it, he shares that he did, in fact, laugh when the school board confronted him about crop dusting students. 

@formerlyfatstephen Replying to @Brittany Tilander how to lose a job in 10 days #goodteacher #badstudent #teachersoftiktok ♬ original sound - Stephen Taylor

​​“It was one of the most surreal experiences I’ve ever had,” he shares. “I didn’t keep a straight face. I laughed at him a few times, which might have hurt me more than it helped me.”

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The post ‘I didn’t see the crop dusting clause in my contract’: Teacher under investigation after saying he ‘crop dusts’ students appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘Girlboss move’: Worker says drunk manager told her he wanted to have kids with her. She demanded a month of paid leave Mon, 28 Aug 2023 21:05:15 +0000 Worker says manager got drunk and told her he wanted to have kids with her. She demanded a month off of work while getting paid

A woman says after her manager sexually harassed her, she demanded a month of paid leave.

In a TikTok posted on Saturday, Sydney Barker (@_sydneypaigebarker) says that while drunk at a work event, a former manager told her that he wanted her to "have his kids."

After the incident, she asked for a paid, month-long leave—and the manager approved it.

"It was definitely funny," Barker wrote in her video's caption. "But lowkey not."

On Monday, Barker's video had over 108,000 views on TikTok.

@_sydneypaigebarker It was definitely funny.. but lowkey not 🫣 #corporatetiktok ♬ original sound - girls

In her video's comments section, Barker said that her former manager told her he didn't mean what he had said. She told the Daily Dot the same.

"He was very intoxicated when it happened," Barker told the Daily Dot. "And was extremely apologetic and remorseful for his actions that following Monday."

She also said that she didn't report the sexual harassment but that she did leave the company a month after it happened.

"I basically gave him my 1 month warning," Barker said. "And would be leaving the company a month from then."

About the incident, Barker commented that "a win is a win." Many commenters agreed.

"Paid vacation," @gilliansommervill commented. "Slay."

"Girlboss move," @kikikram3r wrote.

"Shoulda asked for the year [off]," @sarababy1985 commented.

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The post ‘Girlboss move’: Worker says drunk manager told her he wanted to have kids with her. She demanded a month of paid leave appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Worker says manager got drunk and told her he wanted to have kids with her. She demanded a month off of work while getting paid

A woman says after her manager sexually harassed her, she demanded a month of paid leave.

In a TikTok posted on Saturday, Sydney Barker (@_sydneypaigebarker) says that while drunk at a work event, a former manager told her that he wanted her to "have his kids."

After the incident, she asked for a paid, month-long leave—and the manager approved it.

"It was definitely funny," Barker wrote in her video's caption. "But lowkey not."

On Monday, Barker's video had over 108,000 views on TikTok.

@_sydneypaigebarker It was definitely funny.. but lowkey not 🫣 #corporatetiktok ♬ original sound - girls

In her video's comments section, Barker said that her former manager told her he didn't mean what he had said. She told the Daily Dot the same.

"He was very intoxicated when it happened," Barker told the Daily Dot. "And was extremely apologetic and remorseful for his actions that following Monday."

She also said that she didn't report the sexual harassment but that she did leave the company a month after it happened.

"I basically gave him my 1 month warning," Barker said. "And would be leaving the company a month from then."

About the incident, Barker commented that "a win is a win." Many commenters agreed.

"Paid vacation," @gilliansommervill commented. "Slay."

"Girlboss move," @kikikram3r wrote.

"Shoulda asked for the year [off]," @sarababy1985 commented.

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The post ‘Girlboss move’: Worker says drunk manager told her he wanted to have kids with her. She demanded a month of paid leave appeared first on The Daily Dot.

‘You are the hardest worker I’ve ever met’: Woman gets listed as a reference for someone she doesn’t know. She gives a glowing recommendation Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:27:39 +0000

Not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes, heroes are random strangers willing to go to bat for someone they’ve never met. 

This is what happened to Emily, a TikTok user who says that she was accidentally listed as a job reference for Caitlin, a person she doesn't know. Instead of explaining the error and going about her life, Emily vouched for this stranger by delivering a glowing recommendation.

Emily, who goes by @spamhahee on TikTok, posted her experience in a video. By Thursday, the video had amassed over 2.5 million views.


♬ original sound - emilys secret account

“Somebody named Caitlin listed me as a job reference on their resume and said that my name was Katie,” Emily begins. (The Daily Dot reached out to Caitlin via TikTok comment.)

She assumed that they just put the wrong number down, but instead of explaining the error to the multiple callers she received, Emily decided to wing it and come through for Caitlin.

“Caitlin, I just need you to know that I have vouched for you. I have come through,” she says before listing off some of the glowing things she made up about Caitlin’s work ethic. “You show up on time, you are the hardest worker I’ve ever met,” she says.

Some of the anecdotes painted Caitlin as a hero. “You saved my son when he almost drowned, you gave him CPR,” she tells the potential employer.

By the end of the video, Emily was so confident that Caitlin would land the job based on the glowing things she said. 

“If you don’t get any of the jobs that I have been receiving calls about this morning, then I will eat my shorts,” she says.

In the comments, viewers sarcastically kept the praise going about Caitlin. “Oh yeah Caitlin also saved both of my cats fireman style from a redwood tree,” user @macy wrote. “They were at the very top.”

“Caitlin also trained me at my job. super helpful, clear instructions, great taker on feedback and criticism. won't find someone like her anywhere else,” another user commented.

Some of these stories were a bit more far-fetched than others.

“When the local orphanage got attacked by giant termites, I saw Caitlin personally carry all 37 children to safety & then rebuilt the orphanage by hand,” user @silverstrad1995 wrote.

“One time Caitlin got into a car wreck and broke both her arms,and one leg- she walked the rest of the way to work and was still on time,” another commented.

According to some users, Caitlin’s abilities exceed the realm of possibility. “Caitlin went up to the heavens for me to get my goldfish back after he drowned,” this person wrote.

Since Caitlin accidentally wrote down the wrong number for her reference, some poked fun at her clear lack of attention to detail.

“Caitlin’s attention to details will never cease to amaze,” a woman wrote. 

Anyone who has gone through the process of waiting for a potential employer to hear back from references knows how excruciating it can be. So Emily was also praised for her random act of do-gooding. “Honestly, you're the real MVP,” one wrote. “This is so heartwarming,” antoher wrote.

While it’s not confirmed yet whether Caitlin and Emily have found each other, there was a promising lead in the comment.

“....My name is Caitlin and one of my references is a Katie oh my god,” user @kitttycatcait wrote.

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The post ‘You are the hardest worker I’ve ever met’: Woman gets listed as a reference for someone she doesn’t know. She gives a glowing recommendation appeared first on The Daily Dot.


Not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes, heroes are random strangers willing to go to bat for someone they’ve never met. 

This is what happened to Emily, a TikTok user who says that she was accidentally listed as a job reference for Caitlin, a person she doesn't know. Instead of explaining the error and going about her life, Emily vouched for this stranger by delivering a glowing recommendation.

Emily, who goes by @spamhahee on TikTok, posted her experience in a video. By Thursday, the video had amassed over 2.5 million views.


♬ original sound - emilys secret account

“Somebody named Caitlin listed me as a job reference on their resume and said that my name was Katie,” Emily begins. (The Daily Dot reached out to Caitlin via TikTok comment.)

She assumed that they just put the wrong number down, but instead of explaining the error to the multiple callers she received, Emily decided to wing it and come through for Caitlin.

“Caitlin, I just need you to know that I have vouched for you. I have come through,” she says before listing off some of the glowing things she made up about Caitlin’s work ethic. “You show up on time, you are the hardest worker I’ve ever met,” she says.

Some of the anecdotes painted Caitlin as a hero. “You saved my son when he almost drowned, you gave him CPR,” she tells the potential employer.

By the end of the video, Emily was so confident that Caitlin would land the job based on the glowing things she said. 

“If you don’t get any of the jobs that I have been receiving calls about this morning, then I will eat my shorts,” she says.

In the comments, viewers sarcastically kept the praise going about Caitlin. “Oh yeah Caitlin also saved both of my cats fireman style from a redwood tree,” user @macy wrote. “They were at the very top.”

“Caitlin also trained me at my job. super helpful, clear instructions, great taker on feedback and criticism. won't find someone like her anywhere else,” another user commented.

Some of these stories were a bit more far-fetched than others.

“When the local orphanage got attacked by giant termites, I saw Caitlin personally carry all 37 children to safety & then rebuilt the orphanage by hand,” user @silverstrad1995 wrote.

“One time Caitlin got into a car wreck and broke both her arms,and one leg- she walked the rest of the way to work and was still on time,” another commented.

According to some users, Caitlin’s abilities exceed the realm of possibility. “Caitlin went up to the heavens for me to get my goldfish back after he drowned,” this person wrote.

Since Caitlin accidentally wrote down the wrong number for her reference, some poked fun at her clear lack of attention to detail.

“Caitlin’s attention to details will never cease to amaze,” a woman wrote. 

Anyone who has gone through the process of waiting for a potential employer to hear back from references knows how excruciating it can be. So Emily was also praised for her random act of do-gooding. “Honestly, you're the real MVP,” one wrote. “This is so heartwarming,” antoher wrote.

While it’s not confirmed yet whether Caitlin and Emily have found each other, there was a promising lead in the comment.

“....My name is Caitlin and one of my references is a Katie oh my god,” user @kitttycatcait wrote.

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The post ‘You are the hardest worker I’ve ever met’: Woman gets listed as a reference for someone she doesn’t know. She gives a glowing recommendation appeared first on The Daily Dot.
