Ruby Princess cruise ship passenger speaking (l) Ruby Princess cruise ship at dock (c) Ruby Princess cruise ship passenger speaking (r)

‘I would go nuts thinking that the ship is not safe’: Passengers offered 75% refund to stay on damaged cruise

'I wouldn't trust them.'

On Jul 12, 2023 by Sarah Kester

house explosion aftermath (l&r) man taking a selfie on the toilet (c)

‘Blew up the bathroom, literally’: Man says he was on the toilet when neighbor’s house exploded

'They got the Oppenheimer early screening.'

On Jul 12, 2023 by Sarah Kester

U-Haul truck zooms down highway with tires ablaze

‘$19.99 doesn’t include tires’: U-Haul truck zooms down highway with tires ablaze

'Not getting his deposit back.'

On Jul 11, 2023 by Sarah Kester

Worker says she had to ID eleven year olds after they tried to buy beer

‘You should’ve let it slide’: Worker says she had to ID eleven year olds after they tried to buy beer

'What in the McLovin'

On Jul 6, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Woman says after blocking her ex on social media, he reached out to her via Kindle

‘This is how Dateline episodes happen’: Woman says after blocking her ex on social media, he reached out to her via Kindle

'Points for creativity'

On Jul 3, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

traveler in plane with caption 'I FELT SOMETHING TICKLE MY LEG' (l) barefoot poking out beneath plane seat (c) foot space area of plane seating with caption 'Do you know how far you have to reach your feet to TOUCH the person in front of you!!????' (r)

‘I’m flabbergasted’: Passenger’s bare foot touches woman’s leg under airplane seat

'New fear unlocked.'

On Jun 27, 2023 by Sarah Kester

woman next to elevator with caption 'POV: you're leaving your vacation and a lovely woman in the elevator asks if I had a good trip. I say yes. She proceeds to pull out her phone and show a recording of me from the night before that i do NOT recall. That was top 5 most humbling moments' (l) woman next to elevator holding phone showing recording with caption 'POV: you're leaving your vacation and a lovely woman in the elevator asks if I had a good trip. I say yes. She proceeds to pull out her phone and show a recording of me from the night before that i do NOT recall. That was top 5 most humbling moments' (c) woman next to elevator with caption 'POV: you're leaving your vacation and a lovely woman in the elevator asks if I had a good trip. I say yes. She proceeds to pull out her phone and show a recording of me from the night before that i do NOT recall. That was top 5 most humbling moments' (r)

‘The way I would simply die of embarrassment,’: Woman shows hungover vacationer video from night before that she doesn’t remember

'That was top 5 most humbling moments.'

On Jun 27, 2023 by Sarah Kester

woman with glasses using screen screen effect showing a photo of her holding up a large grey shirt

‘The fabric choices alone should have screamed NO’: Chinese mom buys dress for daughter. She doesn’t know the English text says ‘sex before marriage’

'Please where do I buy this.'

On Jun 22, 2023 by Sarah Kester

man pressing donut dough (l) man holding over glazed donut (c) man holding donut dough on table (r)

Men are playing with their food on TikTok—and the results are a little gross

Yay! Men have learned to cook. But no, I don’t need to see them do it in a sexual way.

On Jun 21, 2023 by Chloe Stillwell

Woman uses generative AI to create photo of herself in a hospital bed

‘I have no reason to trust anybody ever again’: Woman uses Photoshop’s generative AI to create image of herself in a hospital bed

'This should be illegal.'

On Jun 19, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Baby Gronk with helmet on and arms out in front of blue background

A TikToker’s video about ‘Baby Gronk’ became a meme sensation

'Baby Gronk rizzed up Livvy.'

On Jun 7, 2023 by Sayou Cooper

young woman with caption 'me realizing that my ex cheating on me with his own mother is something that i should probably go to therapy for, and not just something that i just joke with my friends about'

‘He is the victim here’: Woman says her ex ‘cheated’ on her with his mother

'Not your business to tell.'

On Jun 5, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Boyfriend's arm goes numb after girlfriend sleeps on it

‘You better not leave him before it gets better’: Woman says she paralyzed boyfriend’s wrist for 6 months by sleeping on it

'I would send this to my bf but I still wanna sleep on his arm.'

On May 19, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Salt lamp on table in front of blurry background (l) hand opening dishwasher (c) hand holding salt lamp base with caption 'I thought I could wash my salt lamp in the dishwasher! You can't apparently!' (r)

‘Common sense ain’t so common’: Woman washed her salt lamp in the dishwasher—and it dissolved

'I'm a little confused as to why you felt the need to wash your salt lamp?'

On May 18, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Homepage article image

‘It looks like it was drawn in Snapchat’: Customer questions Amazon dress that looks like a cartoon

'Amazon Fashion, explain yourself.'

On May 17, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins