woman shares story of bad date she went on tiktok

‘I will not be a beta male’: Hinge date sends Venmo request for drinks after woman refuses to go home with him

'Sometimes I think I’m desperate and then I see men acting like this.'

On Sep 22, 2022 by Rachel Kiley

woman texts guy's dad after he fat shames her tiktok

‘Looks like I’m gonna be his new step mommy’: Guy fat-shames girl—so she texts his dad

'I would love this if he wasn't married.'

On Sep 16, 2022 by Melody Heald

woman greenscreen TikTok over Instagram DM's caption 'Ok fine, but what make you say that? Cause convo was good, made you laugh all day, got along with your friend, did things you wanted to do and it's it's not like there wasn't sexual attraction' (l) woman greenscreen TikTok over Instagram DM's caption 'Tou won't BELIEVE what I got sent after a first date' 'Ok fine, but what make you say that? Cause convo was good, made you laugh all day, got along with your friend, did things you wanted to do and it's it's not like there wasn't sexual attraction' 'Or what does romantic connection look like to you?' with image of invoice below (c) woman greenscreen TikTok over Instagram DM's caption 'Ok fine, but what make you say that? Cause convo was good, made you laugh all day, got along with your friend, did things you wanted to do and it's it's not like there wasn't sexual attraction' (r)

‘You can’t invoice someone in retrospect because you didn’t get what you wanted’: Woman receives invoice from guy after unsuccessful first date, sparking debate

'If money is that tight you should have let me pay in the first place.'

On Sep 16, 2022 by Gisselle Hernandez

Facebook homepage 'Find Friends Status Photo Place Life What's on your mind?'

‘Turns out she had taken too much Ambien and had been trying to look him up’: TikToker says her mom accidentally made her crush’s name her Facebook status multiple times

'I woke up the next day to a bunch of concerned texts from friends saying I needed to check my mom's Facebook.'

On Sep 9, 2022 by Brooke Sjoberg

man standing on sidewalk with caption 'told my hinge date i was out of town for my grandpa's funeral' (l&c) caption 'But then he saw me fuck up a chicken caesar wrap across the street' (r)

‘Just be an adult and tell him you’re not interested’: TikToker caught lying to Hinge date about being at grandpa’s funeral, sparking debate

'His face says it all.'

On Sep 7, 2022 by Jack Alban

woman greenscreen TikTok over image of Miller Lite beer (l) woman speaking pointing to caption 'is your bf cheating on based of his favorite beer' (c) woman greenscreen TikTok over image of Key Stone beer (r)

‘As soon as he orders this, get up and leave’: Bartender can tell which guys are cheating based on what beer they order

'As a Miller fan I approve this message.'

On Sep 1, 2022 by Melody Heald

Bar tender speaking in car (l) Bar tender speaking in car holding bottle opener (c) Bar tender speaking in car (r)

‘NEVER ASSUME a woman is going to not tip’: Bartender tells male customers to not let their girlfriend sign bar tab, sparking debate

'She's gonna leave me three f*cking dollars on a $150 tab.'

On Sep 1, 2022 by Braden Bjella

man approaching woman in a parking lot with caption 'when a man is trying to hit on you but all you want to find is a med men'

‘When he finds out who her boyfriend is he is going to be in shock’: Suki Waterhouse tells guy hitting on her she has a boyfriend. (It’s Robert Pattinson)

'The fact that he thought he had a shot with you ummm sir?!'

On Sep 1, 2022 by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

leonardo dicaprio (l) camila morrone (r)

‘Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful?’: Leonardo DiCaprio’s ’25th birthday rule’ strikes again after Camila Morrone breakup

'all women under the age of 25 PLEASE stay inside.'

On Aug 31, 2022 by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

woman eating sandwich wrap in car caption 'I once had a friend that would literally launch first dates with guys ...like she'd meet the guy and the date would full on have its own insta post of him tagged and all' (l) Instagram logo on white background (c) woman eating sandwich wrap in car caption 'I once had a friend that would literally launch first dates with guys ...like she'd meet the guy and the date would full on have its own insta post of him tagged and all' (r)

‘Legend’: Woman posts photos of her first dates on Instagram—and tags guy

'Honestly iconic.'

On Aug 30, 2022 by Audra Schroeder

Man in restaurant with caption 'When he told you to get a wagyu sirloin but you accidentally get a regular 8oz wagyu... oops' (l) $438.54 dinner bill on tablet (c) man grimacing as he swipes credit card (r)

‘Tell me you are least offered to pay for it’: Woman accidentally orders $300 steak on date, sparking debate

'My plate was $312 and his was $48. ... I walked out of the restaurant crying.'

On Aug 30, 2022 by Braden Bjella

woman speaking in car holding paper (l) woman speaking in car showing engagement ring holding document in other hand (c) woman speaking in car holding legal document (r)

‘I’m never entering another relationship without this contract’: Woman gets notarized document saying her partner has to pay her bills if he cheats, sparking debate

'That's not crazy… you’re holding him accountable for his actions.'

On Aug 25, 2022 by Braden Bjella

Airdrop on phone on keyboard

‘A 40-year-old man walked up to me’: Woman AirDrops her number to ‘hot’ stranger. She ends up meeting up with someone else

'Never using airdrop again.'

On Aug 24, 2022 by Tricia Crimmins

woman speaking in car finger on face caption 'This frat boy just picked me up for a romantic getaway and the first thing he puts on is the Andrew Tate podcast' (l) Andrew Tate speaking wearing headphones (c) woman hand on mouth in car laughing caption 'This frat boy just picked me up for a romantic getaway and the first thing he puts on is the Andrew Tate podcast' (r)

‘Should I call my mom and tell her to drive 2 hours to come pick me up’: Woman films date talking about Andrew Tate

'It's the guys you least expect that are into Tate. So please ask them before you hop in that car.'

On Aug 23, 2022 by Tricia Crimmins